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is a methodology and software package for monitoring management and performance of small scale farming systems world-wide. MonQI is designed for application in a range of situations, such as Monitoring & Evaluation, Joint learning and detailed analysis of crop and farm management.
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Release of MonQI Basic
MonQI has been under development as a follow-up of Nutmon for several years now. The tool has been used in a number of projects world-wide but was always configured in a project specific way that made it less suitable for more generic purposes.
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We received many requests for a generic and public version of the MonQI Toolbox and decided to create this version, called MonQI Basic, which will be released in June 2013.
With this new release we will also provide a training opportunity that is open to all interested participants. You can read more about the the 5 day MonQI Basic Course in The Netherlands, here.
MonQI Basic Course, June 17-21 2013, The Netherlands – CANCELLED
The 5-day basic course on the MonQI Toolbox from 17-21 June 2013 in Wageningen, The Netherlands has been cancelled.
We are now investigating the possibilities of a 5 day training in East Africa in the fall of 2013
Subscribe to our newsletter if you want to be kept up to date on that training
..is dedicated to the monitoring of agricultural systems in the tropics with the aim to improve the quality of farm management, crop production, quality of produce, living standards and environment. Monitoring helps to understand those farming systems and paves the way for improvements in social, economic, agricultural and environmental conditions.
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